Robert Patterson, Attorney at Law


Legal assistance for the hardworking folks of North Alabama.

Areas of Practice


Workers Compensation

If you’ve suffered an injury on the job, then you have a right to compensation.  Every state has a system which guarantees payment to injured workers, but there are many technicalities in the law. It’s best to get advice before acting. We have obtained much higher settlements or verdicts than what clients have been offered to settle by insurance companies, and it’s likely we can help you too.

Truck Accidents

If you’ve been involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle, you should know that although many of the same laws apply, there are also some significant differences.  Since they use public highways for commercial gain, truck drivers are required to have special licenses and inspections, among other requirements.  We’ve pursued dozens of claims against trucking companies, and won six figure verdicts for our clients. Call us today and we’ll put that experience to work for you.

Criminal Defense

It is unfortunately the case that in our system, innocent people often find themselves facing the full brunt of the law.  We’ve won Not Guilty verdicts for numerous clients in both state and federal court.  If you’ve found yourself accused of possessing controlled substances, fraud, embezzlement, or a DUI, we are here to protect you and your rights. Even if you are guilty of an offense, legal representation is critical to protect you from unnecessary or oppressive punishment. If you or a loved one find yourself charged with a crime, waste no time- call today.

Personal Injury

If you’ve sustained an injury away from the job, through no fault of your own, we may be able to help you recover the compensation you deserve.  From car crashes, to forklift malfunctions, to water park accidents, our firm has experience navigating all kinds of complex legal scenarios for our clients. We don’t charge a consultation fee for injury cases, and we only collect a legal fee if we win. Call us today to see what we can do for you.

Motorcycle Accidents

Although the same rules and laws apply to cars and motorcycles, a collision is often far more serious for a motorcyclist. Unfortunately, juries can be unfairly prejudiced against motorcyclists, thanks to the reckless behavior of a minority of riders.  We understand that most cyclists are very responsible people who are not at fault when a wreck occurs, and we have experience fighting for the rights of injured cyclists in court. If your loved one was hurt or killed on a motorcycle, you have rights, and you should contact us today.

Uninsured Motorist

If a wreck caused by an uninsured motorist has cost you bodily injury, medical bills, lost income, or other damages, you may be entitled to compensation. Even if you’ve been injured by someone insured at the minimum amount, you may still be able to recover damages under the same policy. The rules regarding uninsured motorist coverage are complex, but if you call us, we can simplify things with a free consultation.   If representation is needed, we don’t charge a legal fee unless we win your case. 

Automobile Accidents

We’ve handled thousands of motor vehicle accident cases, and we take these cases very seriously. Before you talk to an insurance company representative, call our office for a free consultation. Alabama laws are laden with traps for unsuspecting motorists, and we can help you avoid them. We’ll bring over 30 years of expertise and experience to the table to make certain you receive the compensation you deserve.

WrongFul Death

If you’ve lost a loved one, facing the legal system can be daunting, and even demoralizing. However, if navigated correctly, the law can also provide an avenue for justice and closure. We’ve handled hundreds of these cases and have experience dealing with the peculiarities of Alabama Law. Call us today to for a free consultation- we’ll help you understand the legal side of your situation and the options you have going forward.


If you are a pedestrian in a crosswalk and you are hit by a motorist who runs a traffic light, his liability insurance and your uninsured motorist insurance policy on your car (even though you were not driving) can provide coverage for your injuries.  The same is true of bicyclist who is struck by a motor vehicle.  Of course, the motorist causing the injury must be at fault under the facts of your case.  Give us a call to discuss these claims and we can explain your rights and decide your best course of action.